played a big role at the PPIE. For the
fairgrounds, artists created many statues
to fill the exposition. On the tops
of buildings, at the bases of fountains,
and hidden among the shrubbery and trees
waiting to be accidentally discovered.
There were also elaborate architectural
murals painted on various buildings
throughout the fair. The Palace of Fine
Arts was the primary location of exhibited
artwork, with thousands of paintings
and sculptures on display from artists
all over the world.
are some Gutenberg Project texts (printed originally in book for
at the time of the PPIE) that have many photos and descriptions
of the various sculptures and murals of the fair:
Art of the Exposition
The author, Eugen Neuhaus, provides a description of the architecture,
sculpture, and murals of the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition held
in San Francisco.
Galleries of the Exposition
A Critical Review of the Paintings, Statuary and the Graphic
Arts in The Palace of Fine Arts at the Panama-Pacific International
Exposition, by Eugen Neuhaus.
and Mural Decorations of the Exposition
The author (father of Alexander Calder - the contemporary
sculptor) provides a description of the sculptures of the 1915
Panama Pacific Exposition held in San Francisco. By A. Sterling
of the Exposition Palaces and Courts
Descriptive Notes on the Art of the Statuary at the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition, San Francisco, by Juliet Helena Lumbard