few tidbits about what else was happening in 1915...
Woodrow Wilson
Vice President: Thomas Marshall
Einstein developed The Theory of Relativity.
British Lusitania was sunk.
people marched in suffrage parade in New York City.
first telephone connection is made between the US and Japan.
Frank Sinatra (December 12th)
Don Budge (June 13th)
Kitty Carlisle (September 3rd)
David Rockefeller (June 12th)
Anthony Quinn (April 21st)
Boston Red Sox win the World Series.
of the time: Birth of a Nation and Carmen
(Academy Awards were not awarded until 1927)
annual income: $1,267
Average price of a new car: $390
Average price of a new house: $3,395
of gold per ounce: $20.67
How affordable was it to come to San Francisco for the
and Accommodations
Francisco has over 2,000 hotels and apartment houses and quite
as many are in the trans-bay cities -- Oakland, Berkeley,
and Alameda. The current reasonable rates will not be increased
during the Exposition, is the pledge of the hotel association,
which will be fulfilled. Rooms occupied by one person, $1.00
a day up. Rooms with bath, $1.50 up. Lower rates may prevail
farther out in the residence section and across the bay, especially
by the week. Arrangements can be made in advance by writing
to "Bureau of Conventions and Societies, Panama-Pacific
International Exposition, San Francisco." State exactly
the accommodations desired, when you plan to arrive, how long
you expect to remain, what you will pay, and other information
wished for. It is proposed to put foresighted visitors in
direct communication with the people where they are to stay.
In San Francisco generally, meals are quite 20 per cent less
than in New York, of same quality; ordinarily, $1.00 a day
is ample. Strangers, particularly women unaccompanied, on
arriving at the Union Ferry Building, will be met by a member
of the reception committee, cared for and directed fully to
destination. Any woman of any country reaching San Francisco
alone at any hour is absolutely certain of protection. This
welfare work organization includes representatives of every
nationality and religion and is thoroughly dependable.
of a Week in San Francisco
occupied by one person may be obtained in San Francisco by the
day from $1.00 up. Counting $7.00 per week for room, $7.00 for
meals and $6.00 for such incidentals as admissions to the Exposition
and street car fare, a week's visit in San Francisco would cost
$20. Visitors who make a more protracted stay may economize
by engaging quarters by the week or month.

Information provided from the Union Pacific guidebook to
California and the expositions.