were many attractions to entertain visitors of the fair. The
"Zone" was a 65-acre amusement/concession area,
with days' worth of entertainment. People could also visit the
actual Liberty Bell (on loan from Philadelphia), have their
fortune told by a gypsy palm-reader, take a ride in a biplane
over the Bay , and see the day's news headlines typed out on
a giant Underwood typewriter.
were thousands of exhibitors at the fair, from state and country
exhibits, to manufacturing and production exhibits, to scientific
and medical exhibits. Here is a bit of information on a few
exhibits in the Palace
of Varied Industries and photos showing the Hills
Brothers and Sperry
Flour exhibits.
at the end of the evening, visitors could enjoy one of the spectacular
nightly fireworks presentations, while sampling foods from several
coutries around the world (foreign cousine being being much
harder to come by than it is in San Francisco today).
There was so much to do at the PPIE, that it's not surprising
how many people would return repeatedly during the course of
the year to absorb as much as they could from the fair. (See
example season ticket books.)